Happy Thanksgiving! What Are You Thankful For?


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Thanksgiving is more than just turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce, it is about taking the time to appreciate family and all the important people in your life, focusing on relationships and connections that make us feel alive. For many of us, we busy ourselves; rushing from one place to the next and not taking the time to stop, relax and enjoy the moments that make up life. 

I am one of those people…

My days are filled with lists, appointments and schedules and I find myself rapidity stuck in my head thinking about the future and my next to do, all the while… forgetting to live in the present moment, which is life.  The past seven months for me have  been days of scares, growth, changes and blessings; all of which I would like to take the time to appreciate and reflect on.  During this time, I was faced with a multitude of challenges; from a communicable diseases exposure (see my post on Vaccinations), the unstable mental health of my little sister, to the  blosseming of new opportunities through my alignment with Juice Plus. and the launch of my personal business Primal Movement – helping others to achieve their personal health goals. The pain and suffering I experienced along the way, has allowed me to dive deep within to  find myself.  Clearing the fog from my path and allowing me to realign with my purpose.   I have been humbled emotionally, mentally and spiritually on this journey which has brought me back full circle to the road as a Paramedic..where it all began. This time around with a new outlook,  gratitude and a new appreciation for everything my role has to offer myself and others. 

This Thanksgiving,  I feel thankful for my health and for all those that have supported me along the way.  I have learned that the state of our health is fragile and it’s not to be taken for granted.  Health, breaths life and enables us to experience all its moments in their entirety.  Through the gifts of our senses, we can experience all that surrounds us…staying focused on what life is truly all about and cherishing those relationships that make this life worth living.

I encourage you to do something nice for someone special in your life this weekend, with a loving heart, kindness and gratitude…

One thought on “Happy Thanksgiving! What Are You Thankful For?

  1. Marion Kitamura says:

    Dear Tara I am thankful you are in my life. Love M

    Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network.

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