My Secret To Natural Skin Care That Won’t Drain Your Bank Account!!

Today I wanted to share with you my natural skin care secrets, with products you might even have stored in your kitchen!   I have had lots of people ask me what I use on my skin..a question I never thought I would ever hear.  The truth is…from my early teenage years until my recent 30’s,  I have always struggled with bad skin.  It was something I was always self conscious of and often times would bring me to tears.  I was always on a search for the perfect product; Proactive infomercials, even pulled on my heart strings and I would find myself on their 1-800 line, trying to buy myself the clear, radiant skin, their money back guarantee promised and I so deeply longed for.  It wasn’t until later in life I learned that these products can bleach your clothes, never mind the damage it was causing my skin!!  Over the last year and a half I have changed my skin care routine, allowing me to have the skin I have always dreamed of.  Of course I still have the odd breakout but nothing like  I have been dealing with for the last 19 years!!

The truth is…good skin care is far less complicated then we may think.  Obviously hormones play a role and everyone is different…life stages may hinder our longing for clear skin.  As we age, skin then becomes a reflection of our internal digestive health and can often mirror the foods we choose to put into our bodies.  Consuming a diet rich in fibre (fruits and vegetables), alongside lots of good quality purified water is key to healthy skin!  On a more surface level, using chemically based store bought cleansers, strips away our skins natural moisture; leaving us desperately trying to replenish that moisture back in with equally as expensive moisturizing products.  As a result, we get in a cyclic battle of stripping away moisture, resulting in dry skin.  This then triggers the over production of our oil glands, in an attempt to compensate for the dryness, leading to clogged pores and dull skin!!  Using this technique, won’t strip away the moisture the same way store bought cleansers will but instead, will dissolve impurities and oils blocking the pores, while keeping the skins natural moisture balance in harmony.  It really is a beautiful thing!!

To summarize my video blog…

Products Used:

Castor Oil $8-10 (Health food store)

Nourishing Oil $10 (I use Organic coconut oil from the Grocery/health food store; You can also use jojoba or avocado oil)

Avocado Oil$10+

Lavender Essential Oil $10+

Face cloth $5


  1. On the palm of your hand, add a dime size amount of castor oil and a quarter size amount of nourishing oil (amount of nourishing oil depends on the dryness of your skin – oiler skin requires less nourishing oil)
  2. Massage the oil blend (castor and nourishing oil) onto your face and neck, ensuring you get all the crevices of the face. Do this for 2 minutes
  3. Then take a clean facecloth, run the water until it steams and soak the facecloth.  Wring out the cloth and place it over the face, allowing the skin to steam – holding it down for 1 minute .
  4. Then take the face cloth and wipe away all of the oil, making sure to again get all those crevices!
  5. Rinse facecloth, and repeat step 3 again
  6. Take a dab of avocado oil (again, depending how oily your skin is) and a two drops of lavender essential oil, rub them together in your hands and lightly massage into the face and neck.

In just 5 minutes, you completed this inexpensive and nourishing skin care routine!!  Complete once before bed:)


If you have any questions, please feel free to comment!!