Cleanse This Spring With My Detoxifying Kale & Apple Smoothie!

As we come into a space between the winter and the spring, the birds begin to sing their song and the sun starts to show its face a little more, with each passing day.  I have spent the last 3 months intensely, absorbed in the online world, trying to overcome the barriers of entry to my launch of Body Revival. Each day I learn a little more, each hour a little closer…its exciting and frustrating all at the same time, as I overcome my limitations and expand my mind.

For those of you are not familiar with Body Revival, I have successfully created a Nutrition and Fitness based program, that I have trialled with incredible success !!  Dieting doesn’t work long term, its a temporary fix for a problem that took a long time to have. The program is equipped with food guides, recipe booklets, at home workouts, online live support, plus so much more, including a 30 day money back guarantee. That is how confident that you will see and feel profound change from this program.  I am hosting a FREE online video training,  which will teach you why dieting doesn’t work, why you might be stuck and how you can get unstuck, creating a healthier and more vibrant version of yourself.  Stay tuned for more on the training and my program coming this March.

With spring around the corner, I thought sharing a dextox smoothie recipe would be fitting for this transitional season. Detoxification is an important part of our overall health and wellbeing. Our liver works really hard at keeping the toxins free from our bloodstream but they need a little support once in a while. Detoxifying at the change of the seasons is a great habit to get into; Just like the birth of the new flowers, after the harsh, cold winter. Enjoy this smoothie, alongside lots of nourishing fruits and vegetables and fresh spring water, cleansing yourself !

Detoxifying Spring Smoothie

Leafy green vegetables are great liver detoxifier. Parsley acts as a mild diuretic and celery helps to cleanse lymph glands as well as the liver. Organic ingredients are best to use, especially for fruit and vegetables that you cannot peel.  This avoids adding extra toxins to your detoxifying smoothie!!

Servings 1


3 leaves organic kale, roughly chopped

1 small handful of parsley                                                 

1 medium organic celery stalk, chopped

1⁄2 medium organic cucumber, chopped

1 small piece of fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped

1/2 chopped organic apple

1 cup spring water

1/2 lemon juiced



  1. Play around with the amounts of each ingredient to achieve the smoothie that suits you best!! Juice altogether in a blender:)