Does Fear Hold You Back From What You Really Want Out Of Life?

Are you scared ?  Are you scared to start, scared to change, scared to take the next step?

 “Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear” ~ George Addair

This statement is so true to its absolute core. When I think about the clients I have trained or counselled who wanted to lose weight and how hard they struggled to just take that first step, because they feared change. Or when I think about all the people that I know that that only dream of what their lives would look like outside of complacency….yet they stay stuck in that “safe” place. I was that person at one time..I would spend my days day dreaming of what my life would look like outside of a steady pay cheque and now here I am.  Let me tell you…it has not been an easy path, nothing worth it ever is. What I will tell you is I am growing and morphing into more of the person that is inline with my beliefs; for years I hid behind a shield of armour your forced to wear, facing life as a Paramedic. Anyone that tells you that seeing death at every stage, day in and day out – isn’t struggling in someway, is kidding themselves.

We all have a choice in life; stay where we are in contentment or endure a wild ride of unknowns, ups and downs and ultimately our true self on the other side. You can have what ever you want out of your life, if your willing to fight for it. If you want to be 50 lbs less, then stop eating those things you KNOW are bad and get moving – Rome wasn’t built in a day…just start.

If you have a vision of what you want your life to look like, then take the steps to make it look exactly as you want.  If you think about everything you have created to this point, maybe you wanted a family, a house near the lake, or maybe you always wanted to get into nursing, or business and you did it…what ever you wanted, you took the steps and you made it happen. Everything you currently have was at one time only a vision. Imagine that !!  The power we have over the creation of our lives is stronger then we think.

What if we fail?  What if you make a mistake?  Get back up and try, try again…

“I would rather attempt to do something great and FAIL, then attempt to do nothing and SUCCEED” ~Robert H. Schuller