
Delicious Veggie Kale Soup Recipe!!

As the week nears its end and we have discussed keeping our bodies healthy using whole foods, I thought it might be time to reveal my favourite soup recipe!!  This soup is packed with tonnes of dense nutrients, exactly what your body needs to heal those nasty bugs!  Kale, onion and garlic are just a Tell Me More…


Nature’s Own Disease Prevention: Antioxidents

I woke up yesterday morning, excited to get started on my new post about antioxidants, when my computer decided to give up!!  So while my computer is in the shop getting healthy, I am here at the library committed to helping you become healthier also! This time with a small counter in the bottom of my screen Tell Me More…


Curried Carrot Soup: For a glowing complexion!!

Good Morning !!! As promised, I am going to share with you and amazing Curried Carrot Soup that I discovered on the Martha Stewart website:) If you like Curry, then you are going to love it paired with Carrots!!  It’s super easy to make and I usually double the recipe and freeze some for later:) Tell Me More…


Beta-Carotene: A Real Life Nutrient of Youth??!

As the dreary winter months have set in and sunny days are far and few between, our skin really begins to suffer the consequences.  Lucky for us, mother nature has a beautiful way of counteracting the effects of these conditions, providing us with the miracle nutrient: Beta-Carotene.  In the simplest terms, Beta-Carotene is the pigment Tell Me More…


Vaccinations and Immunity: Boosting our system to fight invasion!!

I had a question last week from a reader who asked what my thoughts are on vaccinations and the recent H1N1 outbreak.   Although I have done some reading on this very controversial topic, I have never felt knowledgable enough to really comment.  So with that in mind, I would like to start off by sharing a Tell Me More…